Thursday, July 15, 2010

what to say.....

Well i am bad at this! We went home to Arizona for 2 months and it was so much fun, and it was nice to have a break from work/school...and to see family. When we were in Arizona we were super lazy and we were able to be there for a lot of neat things. In Lamar's home town they got a new beautiful temple so we saw the celebration, the open house, and the prophet!! It was such a sweet experience to see the town change and grow! Another thing we got to go to was Matthew and Danielle's wedding, Matt and Lamar are good friends from growing up. It was cute to see all "the bros" together for the wedding. It was my first time going to someone elses sealing so it was awesome to be able to go. And our friends Brian and allison had their first baby, little ruby, she is sooo cute. We keep telling them that were the "godparents" haha, but they just laugh at us! They are actually coming to hawaii next month so we get to spend some time with them :) But seeing family was the best part of the whole thing, i love them soo much. Its hard being far away from them but Hawaii makes up for it.
But since we've been back there has been a couple changes in our ward and stuff, we just realized that we have less then a year here so we better start doing tourist stuff or just extend our time here....hmmm haha we will see what happens! We got an xbox 360 with netflix which we love at night, we rearranged our apartment so we have space for people and to stay with us..hint hint! But we had a good 4th of july, we had an amazing bbq with friends, then fireworks at turtle bay. But besides that i work and lamar goes to school, same old stuff. We can't wait til byuh volleyball games start up, we miss the sports!


Nolan and Keree Anderson said...

Good to hear from you! It sounds like things are going well, which is good to hear. :) keep smiling you two! We Love ya, Nolan, Keree, Perry and Harmony

K.C. + Sherry Layton said...

hey glad you found me.. i post EVERYTHING on my blog so i have agood one to stalk. ha ha ya we should hang out sometime. ill have to come by and get your number.

LaMar & Donna Davis said...

LOVED looking at your blog! We miss LaMar's parents - they are great people! Looks like LaMar Innes found a great gal!!!!!! It was fun running into him in Hawaii!
Donna Davis