In the middle of August my parents and my oldest sister, and youngest brother come to visit! They were here for 6 days and we had lots of fun, I was really bad at taking pictures... my sister got a lot more. We went downtown, the swap meet, waimea, hukilua, PCC, and lots more!! The day they went to the culture center was lamars birthday, im usually really bad at surprises but this time i did good!! But I couldn't have done it with out my awesome neighbors!! Shelle and Miah made an amazing cake and Lamar loved it , and we did a potluck for dinner. Happy Birthday Lamar!
I just moved here and I am looking for new clients in the riverside area! I have been doing hair for 3 years now. I have expirence with men and woman haircuts, color, highliting, and styling. Call or text me at 808-227-1699 to schedule an apointment.